Thursday, July 3, 2008

Intelectual students :)

Kung Fu Panda is damn chun! He can lift his leg higher than me despite his enormous tummy!
ps: My leg was on a chair :) i can barely lift it more than i needed help.

Cool stuff :D

Oh yar! Before i forget...ME and KAI PING did something damn cool today :)
Let me explain it point by point :
1) We were bored during Chemistry
2) We needed something fun to do while the others are doing their experiments.
3) As usual, me,kai ping and eugene will wonder around finding stuff to do.
Kai Ping and Eugene saw a few bottle of fresh lime water on the chemical rack.
5) We started to use our chemistry knowledge.

"Lime water is used to detect the present of CO2 aka carbon dioxide"
"When CO2 is bubbled into lime water, the solution will turn chalky or cloudy"
"When human exhale,carbon dioxide is given out"
6) Me, kai ping picked up a bottle of lime water each.
7) Opened the cap!
8)N FINALLY...exhaled into the bottle!

Oh yar, we re-inserted the cap and goncang it 999997777777!!!
Lastly, the bottles of lime water are now officially impure!
Eugene recorded n took pictures of us doing it with his phone.

You are welcome :D.

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