Thursday, June 26, 2008

The more you wish,the further it goes.

Meeting someone that can always make you laugh will make you happy.
But,to wish or to want the someone to be yours will only make you sad :)
Because, life is just made this way and none of us can change the fact.

can you?
so,why not just get over it.
Without you :(


I love books :)

Lol...what a random post....i feel like i just wrote crap :)

Enjoy :D

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

School stage new background =.=

Welcome to SMK Damnsara Jaya.

I'm speechless..I shall let the pics talk.

It's prettty bad i guess

That's the PA Room btw.

Haihz..Interact's 2008 IU Day is suppose to be held this Saturday in the school hall.

It is now Cancelled for sure because of the hall...

And I'm the IU Director!..wth..done and planned so much for shits..

Why burn the hall men?...screw u!

I've spent so much time and effort to make this event perfect and some dumbnut just turned it all up side down.I thank you so much stupid fool.

Anyway, my headmistress has approved that our IU can be held outside teacher advisor say that there's no point having it already =.= . "To risky","dangerous","I don't want trouble", "Later got gang fights","There were bad experience having IU day outside skewl"..bla bla bla...

It's easy for her to say because she dint do much. But me and my commitee have planned and done alot. It is so dissapointing.

Well,maybe she has her own other reasons but it's fine with me already..

I'm over it :)

I thank those who have helped and contribute in planing this IU :D.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

10 June 2008 : )

Yeaap, it's my birthday :b Haha..This year was abit special. Well, i dint go out with my friends to celebrate. Instead, i celebrated it with my family..Of course it would be as good if there were friends but i think that it is time lie low already..Haha..trials coming men! anyway,skip the shitty trials.

1) Me and my family went to Marche, Curve for dinner.So happened, my mum's friend is the manager there. Ngahaha!! discount like mad!

My elder sis and I :D

Me and Mummy :D

Mum and Dad.

Dad and I ( dad's eye damn small XD)

Dad and Mei mei.

Mei mei and cousin :D

Mandy,Sandra,Brian,Erica :) (I'm the tallest!)

Lovely siblings :D

2) Walked around in Curve to scout for presents. The funny thing is that, i dont seem to want anything! It seems like i have all i wanted already. i dcided to buy another pair of casual shoe for fun :D Nike Classic..latest arrival...RM 260..but SADLY, after trying on and dcided to buy....NO STOCK!! Wtfness we just walked off. Haih...

3) We left Curve after that. Went to a cafe near my house for coffee and cake :D damn nice cafe. Birthday song,wish,blow candle,cut cake..haha I was kinda malu when ppl start looking at me! haha.

Blueberry cake. I'm 17 now.

I was damn eager to taste Jakuun!

4) After that, went home...guess what?? dad walked in the house holding my PRESENT! wohoo..excited usual, i demolished the wrapper in a second! It was an iPOD!! Wohoo, iPOD NANO 3rd of the latest i guess..but who cares...haha.. Was so damn happy!,not cheap you noe this smalll little tiny device..almost 1K..LOVE my Parents so so much! my sisters and cousin! Thank you!

5) I'm in my room now blogging!..haha

I would like to thank ALL my friends who have wished plus the Present from :

Tan Tan (Soo Ern)

Justin Loh & Amanda

Sacha (and the chocalate cake too!)

Kok Huat(Altho we've been frens for about 6 months only,at least i got a little gift from you :D)

Love you all :D

Alrite!'s paa 12 now!..not my bday's............SOO ERN's bday now!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Big girl d! See you tmro :)

Good nite all..


Sunday, June 8, 2008

Hang in there :)


I've been so busy doing nothing lately that i dint have time to update my sad..haha.. Ok im shall update in no time..So hang in there :)

Hols have been super boring..god knows why...haha maybe it's because im all grown up now..and therefore I no longer have Desperations nor Desires to spent my hols going to arcade centers, playing lego with my cousins, bathing naked outside the house with my cousins and bla bla bla... Haha time passes so fast that sometimes we cant even feel it moving by us..hmm, shall i say "Masa itu Emas" ?...haha..Nehhhh!!! next time..

Wooohooo, i'm super tired now...bang balls men tnro got school..haha

Good nite
